They need your support

By sponsoring the expense of bringing a foster dog to an adoptable state you are saving countless lives by freeing up funds for C.A.R.E. to rescue even more abused, neglected or abandoned dogs.

In cases where a rescue needs extended medical care or surgery, we will post the amount that we have been given by the vet.

The appreciation we have for our donors runs deep.

Thank you for sharing the vision and determination to save the lives of abused, neglected and abandoned animals.

Together, we are saving lives every, single day.

I am excited about sponsoring the care for a rescued dog!

Every single Sponsorship penny you are able to give,  helps with medical bills that are inevitable for each foster.

Every dog at minimum, leaves C.A.R.E. spayed/neutered, current on vaccines and if needed, heartworm preventive before being placed for adoption.

While each dog that comes to C.A.R.E. receives the above listed care, each dog’s needs vary. We appreciate any amount that you are willing to help us with.

As a registered 501(c)(3), non-profit organization, your donations to C.A.R.E. could be tax deductible.
(*This is not a legal statement. You should always check with your tax professional.)

Donate now using the link below or click here to Learn more about the needs of C.A.R.E. and how you can help…

I am a proud supporter of C.A.R.E. and am happy to donate for the purpose of rescuing animals from abuse, neglect and abandonment.