Many of you know that we were blessed with a donation of 26 plus acres and several buildings recently.   This will be the future home of Clifford’s Army Rescue.   Currently we have over 100 dogs in our foster based rescue.  25 of those dogs are in boarding which we pay for every two weeks.  Our boarding bill for those dogs is over 3K every two weeks.   The other dogs are in foster care, with our fosters doubled and tripled up.   There is such a need in our area, that we have quickly gotten to a point we have no more room at the inn.

Our solution is to get our property cleaned up, repaired and renovated.  We have done a lot on the clean up side taking out dumpster after dumpster of trash.   We have repaired what we can.  Now comes the renovating.  First on the list is new roofs.  The large building where we want to put our kennels, inside play yards and more is the most expensive.  The lowest estimate is $400,000.    The office building is a bit over $100,000.   We have to get the buildings in the dry first.  Then we will have to rewire both of these buildings.   Much of the wires have been stripped out.  We assume people were hunting copper.    After wiring we then have to check our water, plumbing, etc.    After that we would need to seal the floors, put in drains, and put up the kennels.  Fortunately we had an awesome donor who donated many kennels to us.

We do have an architect working on a rendering of the transformation.   You can help us to help so many more animals in need.   If you are on any social media pages, you see how many animals are literally being dumped on the side of the road.   Our phone rings constantly.  Our email blows up daily.  Text messages, messenger , our webpage and facebook are flooded every day.   Its either a stray it horrible condition that has been dumped, someone wanting to “get rid” of their companion animals, or ones roaming that no one knows how they came to have to try and fend for themselves.  We are saddened that we have come to a point we have to say no many times due to lack of a place to place the animal while he/she heals and gets ready for adoption.  While we continue to try and help these animals in need by contributing to vetting, many times the finders cannot keep.

We will also continue to help the community with our low cost mobile spay/neuter where financial help is available.  Our low cost microchip clinics, and our free pet food drive throughs.   We hope to give away food more ofter working toward a monthly food drive through.

WE NEED YOU!   Can you donate?  No amount is too small!  We have several avenues you can donate through.  We can even take stock.

Can you foster?  The more fosters, the more dogs we can take in.

Can you volunteer?  The more volunteers the more events we can hold bringing awareness, educating and helping adoptions.

Can you share on social media? Share dogs up for adoption, looking for fosters, fundraisers and more

Can you attend or help with fundraisers?  We have dinners, golf tournament, bicycle poker run,  and more events you can participate in

Please help us to be able to help many, many more animals in need.  Once our facility is completely renovated we can do so much more for the animals in our county and beyond.   You can help us to help those with no voice.

If you prefer snail mail our address is CARE, Post Office Box 370, Earl, NC 28038