Bark and Heal is a unique treatment program designed to provide healing to the children of Alexander Youth Network through the compassion and positive reinforcement of canine training.

The Bark and Heal program pairs the children  with rescued dogs who are in need of skills training prior to adoption.

Over the course of an 8-week program, children learn methods of positive reinforcement and repetition. They teach their dogs basic obedience and house training skills while socializing with other trainers, volunteers and dogs. Through the companionship of their dogs, children develop trust and empathy. They find acceptance, gain confidence, and build self-esteem through their dedicated responsibilities in the program. The Bark and Heal program enables children and their dogs to achieve rehabilitation towards long-term success.

I have personally witnessed the amazing transformation of the children and the dogs, the bond that is created between the two, and so many stories of success. We are proud to announce a new class location at North Shelby School   As you can imagine, Clifford’s is excited to have a class in our home town too.

If you would like to volunteer for this awesome program, please sign up on the day(s) you would be able to help.   You do not have to commit to all three days, all eight weeks, just whatever you are able to dedicate to the children and the dogs.

We would love to have you, and I think after you witness what we have witnessed, you will love helping.

Sign Up!