Being involved ( and founding) a rescue for almost nine years now, I have learned a lot, but realize there is always more to learn.   I make an effort to read articles from reputable sources, listen to reputable trainers, ask advice from those who have been doing this much longer than myself and arm myself with facts, figures, and truthful information.

Social media is an awesome way to get people involved, let people know the truth, connect with people who share your same passion, and in the case of animal rescue connect with new rescue partners, new volunteers, new fosters, supporters, and donors.   Because of social media and animal rescue, I have met some really awesome people from all over the world.  I feel honored to have friends in the Netherlands, England, Ireland, along with the USA and Canada.  ( and yes some of us have even met in person)  We share a common bond of saving lives.  We are passionate about our mission and we speak up for those with no voice.

My philosophy is simple.  Find the issues and/or problems, and get them fixed.  I don’t expect to sit back and let everyone else do the work.  I will ( and have) worked to help fix many many problems.  When one does not get answers, or when things continue down a bad path, then the public needs to be aware.  Not just to be commenting on social media, but to take a stand to fix the issues. To help fix the issues. To make sure it never happens again. To speak for those with NO VOICE, after all that is what animal advocacy is.

As a rescuer, I personally have went down 40 foot ravines to get a senior lost dog ( and the fire department had to chunk me a rope to get out while carrying the dog).  I have spent hours lying on the ground, through ditches, in the mud, whatever it took to save a life.  I have stopped in the road to keep animals from getting hit, and yes, I move turtles too ( but through education have learned to move them in the same direction they were going and as little as possible to get them safe)  One of my friends and fellow rescuers saved a falcon freeing from fishing wire and after he was still and let us unraffle it, watch him look at us before flying away.  We have trapped dogs, cats,  and even saved a 200 pound pig. ( we are a dog rescue).  Lives matter, every single one of them.  Once its in your blood its in your blood.

My point is the people who rescue and advocate do not do it for attention, for stirring the pot, for spreading ” fake news”  or just to sensationalize.  We do it for the animals. We do it because all lives matter.  When needing to reach people to help speak up, social media is a powerful tool.

We also do our research.  I do not ever make posts without facts.  For those of you who do not know, you may request and receive public records through the F.O.I.A. ( Freedom of Information Act).  I receive many many weekly reports and when I have questions, I request what information is needed to find the answers.

While social media is powerful and can be very helpful, but I would encourage people to not make comments like, ” fake news”, “why don’t you go volunteer”  or  ” how bout you go adopt”  just to name a few.   I don’t answer those comments because the posts we make are for the welfare of the animals, we have the facts or we would not have posted it, and if you are  in doubt, if you really care about the animals, you would and should either message us, or  ask for the information yourselves. The very people you make these remarks to many many times spend their lives saving animals, make sure they have the facts and are completely frustrated watching animals die.

Everyone should always remember, ” its about the animals”.   It is not about us.  Those very animals that have no voice, other than humans speaking up for them.   Those very animals that end up dead, tossed in a hole in a landfill through no fault of their own.