We received a call around 445 pm from one of the employees at Cleveland County Animal Control.  A small dog had been brought in by one of the ACOs barely alive.  With no medical help available, the only option the staff was given was euthanasia.  Clifford’s answered and we met Tyler at our vets and immediately took over treatment of this sweet baby.    Dr. Luke Martin could barely get a pulse on the dog, his blood pressure was non existent, body temp was 92, completely dehydrated, and he could not even find a vein to put in an IV.   SubQ fluids had to be used, ran through warm water, hot water bottles put all around him, and everything possible was started to try to save this boy.  We named him Killian, German for Little Warrior, as we knew he would need to fight for his life.

No blood could be drawn. We really could not do anything but wait.  By later that night, he was a little better, ate a little AD food, but immediately threw up, had bloody mucus in his stools.  He continued to struggle, but each day he got a little better. and we kept the prayers coming and our awesome vets kept working with him

  Killian continued to improve and was able to go into foster care but did develop an infection on his back.  The following picture shows how it looked almost like a burn down the center.  ( the vet shaved the surrounding area)

   Through all this, this sweet boy, loved everyone he met.  He continued to improve and thrive and we were so thankful we were able to save him.   This is just one example why we say that  ” all lives matter”.  How can one distinguish who we try to save?  Yes, he did have a long road to recovery, but he was adopted by a wonderful family locally, and he has the most wonderful human sister, who keeps us updated and we could not be happier for this sweet boy.  There is no price tag on saving lives, they all matter.  He deserved a happy life, not the life he was given by some uncaring human who had him chained outside in the summer heat, in terrible conditions without caring one bit what happened to him.  Thanks to rescue, and caring people who support us, he has that life.. we love you Killian.. and we are so happy for you!