Why do I have dogs?  They are the most loving social companions I have ever met.  They are my family. We are a pack.  We live together and let me stress, we LIVE TOGETHER.  We do things together. They are part of my life.  My dogs bring me great joy in that when I come home from wherever my day has taken me, they are there waiting on me, happy to see me. If I feel sad, they immediately sense it, and they comfort me.  They are so in tune with my feelings, much more so that humans.

So that brings me to my next question. Can someone please tell me why anyone has a dog to put out in the yard like an ornament and never pay the dog any attention?   To barely acknowledge the dog’s existence?  To hardly ever pat the dog on his/her head?  To leave out in all kinds of weather without even a thought to what the dog is having to endure? 

A dog who lives indoors with his/her family will be better taken care of, his humans will know when he has health issues much quicker as they will see symptoms that will never be seen with the dog living outside all the time. The indoor dog gets to have social time with humans and any other indoor family.  Indoor dogs are also protected from the elements of the outside.   We had a horrible storm and one of my babies was so freaked out inside, I cannot even imagine what those poor babies who were left alone outside were enduring. 

I cannot say it enough, dogs are social animals. They do not want to be isolated alone by themselves.  For the life of me, I will never understand if a human does not want to interact with their dog, why do they want a dog in the first place?  If you want a yard ornament, go buy one that does not live and breathe in the garden center at Wally World but leave the living creatures to those who will truly provide for them.