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- Animals are drawn to the delicious smell of what’s on the BBQ as much as we are. Keep an eye on your pet and make sure you keep them away from matches, lighters, and BBQs to avoid fire hazards and burns.
- Never leave alcoholic drinks unattended. Alcohol is very toxic to animals and their curiosity might get the best of them with an unattended drink.
- If outdoors, make sure any sunscreen or insect repellent is safe for animal use before applying – not all are.
- Don’t put glow products (i.e. sticks, necklaces, etc.) on your pet. Yes, these products aren’t highly toxic, but ingestion can result in excessive drooling and gastrointestinal irritation, and intestinal blockage could occur from swallowing large pieces of the plastic containers.
- Regarding the main event: Fireworks
- Keep animals away from all fireworks.
- When going to a special Fourth of July event, keep your pet at home.
- Give your pet a safe, quiet place inside the house for shelter. Putting the T.V. on or playing soothing music can help too.
- In case your pet does get out without you knowing, make sure they have a collar on with your information and/or their chip information is up to date.
Unchain Cleveland County
The above video is photos from different areas in Cleveland County. The video is 4:45 long and we could have made one over an hour long. That is truly how many photos we have of dogs in this condition in our area.
Above is reason after reason not to chain your dog. Dogs are social and need to be with their humans. So the next question seems to be, how many dogs will die if tethering is banned? It’s a hard question to answer, but with a non profit, working with the people who really want to keep their dogs, having a resource to get fencing, ( and their dog vaccinated, altered, chipped), having supervised tethering for a short period of time ( those who may tether their dogs to go to the bathroom), and having ACO’s not go out and immediately take dogs, but talk to owners, give them options, and allow time to pursue those options,could not only eliminate the suffering these dogs are enduring, but also help with the unwanted animals being born by some of these dogs. Also included in the plan should be good relationships with all rescues, so that if there is a time that an unusually large number of dogs would be scheduled to come in, rescues can be made aware, with all details, ahead of time. That way a plan can be in place to get dogs out before the shelter is full.
Austin Texas, with a population as large as the whole state of Florida, one of the largest open intake shelters in the country, not only has a ban on tethering, but has 95 percent live release rate.
We need to educate our county on the horrors of chains and the reasons this is not healthy for the dogs. We truly need to be the voice of the voiceless and help those who cannot help themselves. Please do not profess your love of animals if you do not want to protect them. While they may be “considered” property, they are living creatures who deserve to be treated as such.
Cleveland County speak up. Now is the time.
Below is a video from Austin Texas Animal Services. Also note this video is from six years ago. That is how long they have been protecting those with no voice.
What happens when two sweet 8 year old dogs human father dies? The story is all too familiar, with some not so happy endings. In this case, the human grandmother is doing all she can to help them and reaching out to rescue to help take them in.
Mack & Grace two siblings raised together from pups. Eight years old and precious. Their human father died leaving them alone. Their human grandmother who is an amazing 82 year old lady, took them in, but the two were just more than she was able to handle. She took them to the vets, got their vaccines caught up, found out both were heart worm positive, (treatment has been started), and then found a very nice kennel/day care facility for them to stay at while hunting rescue. Why rescue you may say? Because these babies have had their world turned upside down and need rescue to make sure they are completely healthy before adopting, to vet the potential adopters to make sure they are going to provide a loving, compassionate home and take proper care of them for the rest of their lives, and to protect them until that home comes around. Please take a look at the video and check out how they went from being cautious to coming up to us. ( they weigh around 55 to 60 pounds, Grace is spayed, Mack is not neutered, Grace is the leader, obvious Mack follows her everywhere.)
We definitely would love to help these two especially after meeting them. We currently have had some major medical expenses, along with getting more dogs ready for Bark and Heal in a new location, and keeping up with all our normal expenses. We need your help now to be able to continue helping those with no voice, such as Mack and Grace.
A few weeks back our local county run shelter took in several dogs from a hoarding situation. ( total around 30 including puppies) I am now trying to figure out what in the world this person ( or people) were thinking? How did they think they were helping these dogs? How did they think it was right to let them live like this and to suffer like I am sure many did? ( these dogs were running loose, no vaccines, no one spay/neutered, no vet care at all and very little socialization. None were the least bit aggressive but all were very frightened and confused)
We got a call from the shelter stating that a nursing mom had rejected her puppies so as soon as we were able to that day, we went to check. Asked immediately about the pups, we asked immediately about the mom. We found mom in a kennel alone, huddled in the corner, scared to death. The kennels were loud, lots of barking as the shelter was busting at the seams. After a few minutes in the kennel with her, we got her moved to a more quiet spot and then brought her babies back to her. We took the whole family ( as it should be) and a day later went back and got another dog from the hoarding situation.
We named the mom and litter Mae and the force (luke, hans, vader, chewy, and rey) . Mae had already lost one pup ( that we know about) as the shelter had found one dead in pen that morning. Rey was very frail and small and we were immediately worried about her. Mae broke out in a severe upper respiratory infection, green running out her nose, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, horrible. All went to the vets on a couple occasions, and unfortunately Rey did not make it. Vader got sick next, and was rushed to the ER where he spent several days, came home and ended up going back. Vader had pneumonia, intestinal parasites, ( even though he had been dewormed) anemic, and coccidia . This poor three week old pup was battling for his life. Back to Mae, she was some better but not well, and the other dog we pulled, Vikki, also now had a terrible upper respiratory infection. Luke got sick next, throwing up his milk. He was taken to Carolina Veterinary Specialists where he remains. Vader arrested at CVS and we lost another beautiful soul.
Vikki and Mae are both improving and getting much better. Chewy and Hans are doing great so far too. The pups are actually starting to eat food and milk blended up. Luke is still in the hospital and we are hoping for good news today.
Dogs have suffered, have lost their lives, some have survived but if someone had simply had their dogs vaccinated and spay/neutered, those babies would not have went through what they did. ( some paying the ultimate price of losing their lives) . IF YOU CANNOT TAKE CARE OF THEM, don’t get them. They are not able to take care of themselves. STOP THE MADNESS! having a dog is a responsibility! Ask for help, if you are in over your head. Don’t let the dogs suffer because of your lack of compassion, caring and/or income. People will help.
Rescues clean up where other people neglect. Its not only emotionally hard. The tears we shed for all those we lose, is unreal, the lives lost devastating. The vet bills enough to bankrupt us. Through all this, we continue to try to clean up where others fail.
So I will ask people again, if you cannot provide for them as they deserve, leave them be and lot those who can, do so.
True animal rescue is not planned. It is not scheduled. It is not budgeted . It is a passion to care for those in need. It is a belief that all lives truly do matter. It’s a fight to try to save them all, not simply dismiss a sick animal because there are healthy ones in need. It is standing up for those with no voice. Dogs such as Giles, who is pictured in this article, would not be alive today if not for rescue. Dogs such as Shelly would probably have starved to death or been run over in the middle of a busy road, had we not answered the call. Did we have funds, did we have a plan, did we have another dog in the budget? Nope, but we could not let a dog starve to death, or get hit by a car on a busy road. We could not simply turn our heads. We had faith that our hard work on fundraisers and our generous, caring supporters would pull us through, and once again, they answered our prayers to help those in need. Rescue is about the animals, and saving all those who can possibly be saved.
Rescue is not a social club. Its not always happily ever after, and its not always pretty. At the end of the day, have you done everything humanly possible to help those animals in need?
I am very very thankful for the people I have met and now call friends due to rescue. We share a common bond to try to help those who cannot help themselves, to stop the neglect and the cruelty, to make the world a more caring, compassionate place. A place where all lives matter.
Rescue is not a revolving door for the animals. Rescue is the commitment to work hard to find a forever home for them, to make sure that home will love and care for them. Rescue sometimes fails by picking the wrong family, but true rescue takes their dogs back and works even harder to find the perfect family. (I am proud to say, our volunteer adoption coordinators have done an awesome job with only three in eight years being returned.) I wish I could say none have been returned but I am very glad the adopters honored their contract and brought them back to us.
That being said, rescue is not about the people, it is about the animals. At the end of the day, the animals are who suffers, who are hurt, abused, out in the weather with no shelter, no food, no water, who get dumped at local county run shelters which are already full, who get dumped out on the side of the road with no idea how to fend for themselves, and who many ultimately end up in a pile of dead animals in the landfill.
One has to think beyond oneself to truly understand. It’s not about having people be your friend. Its not about playing the victim yourself if you have to make a tough decision. It’s not about pats on the back. In other words, once again, it is not about us humans, but the animals in need.
We are a 501c3 non profit rescue made up entirely of volunteers. No one gets paid, CARE is run solely on donations by wonderful, caring people and fundraisers the volunteers organize. Every donation helps an animal in one way or another, be it vetting, transporting, boarding, supplies such as x-pens, crates,food, medication.. the list is long, but it is truly all about the animals.
We are also advocates for the animals. We speak out for tougher laws, work hard to get those passed and enforced. We speak out for those with no voice, as humans do have a voice and should do all they can to take care of the animals. We truly get that there are times when its overwhelming and you wonder how many more can be urgent and in need. We also get that the No Kill Philosophy has been proven to work, time and time again. ( sidenote: I realize some do not support no kill when some shelters have regulations that may cause animals not to have a place to go, ( if intake is closed for example someone may just dump the animals out anywhere) but the steps for no kill, and the philosophy is sound. When I think of the high intake several years back and how many animals were getting out, it does not take much to figure out with the lower intake, we could achieve a true no kill status, not a doctored one.
The best example of this is Austin Texas, the largest no kill community in our nation. Their open intake facility where all lost, surrendered animals from all of Travis County, in need of shelter are accepted, regardless of age, health, or breed, takes in more than 16,000 animals each year. Since 2011, they have surpassed the 90 perecent live release rate and continue to do so. ( 16,000 animals each year and a population of 950,750 )
We do not support, nor do we understand how humans cannot do everything possible to save lives. Shelters across the US are still euthanizing healthy adoptable animals. While we totally get that irresponsible people who surrender, do not spay/neuter and/or do not take care of their animals is where the fault lies, once those animals get to a shelter, it then becomes the shelter’s responsibility to take care of said animals. Shelters across the country should do all things possible to get the animals out alive.
Bottom line, don’t play the victim card, the animals are the victims, do everything possible to save lives even if it get a little hard. If you screw up, we are are human, we all make mistakes, own it, don’t blame others. Shelters get paid to do the right thing, do it! Many rescues who are all volunteers do it every day without making a cent for it.
The No Kill Equations consists of 11 steps
- Rescue Partnerships
- Volunteers
- Foster Care
- Community Cat/dog sterilization
- Pet Retention
- Comprehensive Adoption Program
- Proactive Redemptions
- Medical & Behavioral Prevention & Rehabilitation
- Public Relations/Community Involvement
- High Volume/Low Cost Sterilization
- Compassionate, hard working shelter director
A gorgeous morning, so out and about to see how some of our four legged friends were spending their day. Those babies who love us unconditionally, no matter how they are treated.
As you can see in the first picture above, this gorgeous dog is lying outside, with an obvious heavy chain and a barrel for his/her shelter. While barrels may can be considered shelter, at the very least, the barrel should be in some sort of frame off the ground ” if” we are going to consider them shelter. ( my vote is no, but at least there are no holes in the barrel, ore to come on that issue) . Look at this dog, truly look. Sad eyes, wanting to be with his people, but nope, he lies there, waiting, hoping, that someone will come play with him, get him off that chain he lugs daily, and let him be a part of the family he loves.
Moving along, we find this sweetheart.. check out his/her shelter? I put a question mark because of the obvious openings throughout. We can count out any insulation from the cold or heat, any waterproofing, and the dog would prefer to lay on the top of the house than actually in it, again with a chain around his/her neck. Really people, someone please tell me why?
As we traveled a little further, here is this cutie. Not only do we have a huge chain, but we do not have any water as I am sure the chain turned over the water. Okay people, its bad enough you chain your dog in your yard and basically ignore them, so lets use those brains a little and stake the water bucket somehow so that the chain does not knock it over. ( Better yet, lets unchain Cleveland County and outlaw these awful things)
Here we have three dogs, all chained out, just far enough they cannot interact with each other. Maybe people need to look up what it means to be a ” pack animal”. And please look closely. the dog in the back, not only has no water, bucket turned over, but his/her house is upside down.
Two more, pitiful babies, just wanting attention, yet, banished to live outside on a chain. Our photo session was cut short ( hence the name of the article interrupted) as we got a call about an aggressive dog. First, we are well aware we are not animal control, but as animal advocates an a 501c3 non profit rescue, and as volunteers and people who give a damn about what happens to the animals. ( We actually got several calls this weekend but this blog can only cover so much) Many times the people have no clue who they are calling,asking who they are talking to, or saying so and so told them to call us, we may could help. I bring up today for a couple reasons. We never ever mind trying to help. We do it because we love dogs and we know they are often abused, neglected and/or abandoned. Today’s visit had a couple issues I think should be addressed. Let me clarify that I am making educated guesses on what happened between dogs, and in these situations as I was not there when the issues actually happened.
We got a call that a dog had attacked another one, and that the neighborhood was afraid to let their kids out. After discussion, there was a dog loose and due to the dog fight, people were frightened. The number one thing is that just because dogs get into a fight, it does not mean the either dog is going to attack people. The people did call the on call ACO, who did come, would not pick up the dog because the dog growled at him ( hey, I am just repeating what I was told) , proceeded to set a trap in the back yard where several tethered dogs were and left. So now we have a scared neighborhood, afraid to let their kids come out and play, and no one wants to pick up the dog????? As much as I do not like them, thats what that catch pole is for, to keep you from getting bit.
Stopping for supplies, we headed that way to try to assist. We talked to a few of the neighbors, while one had made his children stay inside ( smart move until you assess the situation), he said the dog was scared, not acting aggressive toward people at all. From there we moved to where the dog was attacked. The dog had a puncture wound in his throat, the owners had bandaged the wound and were waiting for the vets to open, injured dog was running around outside with them, injured but definitely going to survive. The trap was indeed in the back area of their yard with several other dogs resided. ( not exactly where you would want to put, could cause more fights, and its hard to defend oneself on a chain/cable) Also the local PD had been following the dog in their vehicle but had not been able to catch him. We asked a few more questions and off we went to hunt the boy.
And yes we found him, he was scared to death, running away from everyone, I did get out of the car, got his attention for a second, but he skirted up a dirt road, hopefully headed home, wherever that may be, aggressive no, frightened yes. One must remember a frightened dog will choose fight or flight. This boy was definitely choosing flight.
What this writer took from her years in rescue and talking to all involved. Two unaltered males ( wait sounds like how Clifford’s got started) getting into an altercation probably over a female in heat. Many of the dogs in the area were not spayed. No true danger of a person getting hurt. No aggressive to people dog, not even sure aggressive to dogs, dog. The dog that went to the vet was a small dog, and if this other dog had truly wanted to do real harm, it would not have been hard.
What needs to be done? Fix your dogs people! If you do not have the funds, check out low cost spay/neuter clinics, talk to rescues to see if they know of places that can help, but fix your dogs! Do you truly think it is ok to keep you dog on a tether, unaltered, and let an unaltered male come up and rape them? Your dog has no choice! It truly is rape and you are guilty by letting it happen. Get your dogs off those chains and make them truly part of your family. If you can’t, find someone who can. (Sidenote, training for ACOs, as if the dog had been dangerous, you do not leave in the neighborhood) Dogs deserve better!
One of the most prevalent diseases seen in dogs in this area since I got involved in rescue almost nine years ago is heartworms. It is also one, that in early stages, may not show many signs, in late stages, has very serious, painful symptoms that can be fatal without treatment, and can be prevented for under $10 a month. As you can tell from the graph, the treatment that is recommended by the American Heartworm Society, (we will discuss the differences and why in a few) is very expensive so I guess my question is why do we see so very many dogs test positive for heartworms?
Is it lack of education? Do people not believe it exists? I know people who say they truly care about their dog, and yet have not given preventive and have been shocked when their dog tested positive, so I am not sure of the reason why, but lets delve into how dogs get heartworms, what happens and why we as their guardians need to give them that monthly pill ( or that six month injection) to prevent this horrible disease.
Dogs are natural hosts for heartworms. Heartworms can live inside a dog, mature, reproduce offspring. Once mature, a heartworm can live five to seven years inside a dog. Untreated, dogs can harbor several hundred heartworms in their body, having adverse effects of the heart, lungs, and arteries.
‘When a mosquito bites and takes a blood meal from an infected animal, it picks up these baby worms, which develop and mature into “infective stage” larvae over a period of 10 to 14 days. Then, when the infected mosquito bites another dog, cat, or susceptible wild animal, the infective larvae are deposited onto the surface of the animal’s skin and enter the new host through the mosquito’s bite wound. Once inside a new host, it takes approximately 6 months for the larvae to mature into adult heartworms. Once mature, heartworms can live for 5 to 7 years in dogs.’ ( American Heartworm Society)
Can you tell if you dog has heartworms? Unless advanced stages, probably not. Many times in early stages there are not many visible signs. I can say that after nine years, many times, when we pick up a dog that has been living outside his/her entire life, not been on prevention, and sometimes has a swollen abdomen ( when we first started the rescue, we thought a few female dogs might be pregnant and it turned out to be heartworms)I now will make the statement, I bet the dog will be heartworm positive, and 9 out of 10 times, the dog is. As the disease progresses, if you are interacting with your dog you may notice a mild persistent cough, reluctance to exercise, fatigue after moderate activity, decreased appetite, and weight loss. Dogs may develop heart failure and the appearance of a swollen belly due to excess fluid in the abdomen. Dogs with large numbers of heartworms can develop a sudden blockages of blood flow within the heart leading to a life-threatening form of cardiovascular collapse. This is called caval syndrome, and is marked by a sudden onset of labored breathing, pale gums, and dark bloody or coffee-colored urine. Without prompt surgical removal of the heartworm blockage, few dogs survive.
Get Your Dog Tested!
From the American Heartworm Society:
. All dogs should be tested annually for heartworm infection, and this can usually be done during a routine visit for preventive care. Following are guidelines on testing and timing:
- Puppies under 7 months of age can be started on heartworm prevention without a heartworm test (it takes at least 6 months for a dog to test positive after it has been infected), but should be tested 6 months after your initial visit, tested again 6 months later and yearly after that to ensure they are heartworm-free.
- Adult dogs over 7 months of age and previously not on a preventive need to be tested prior to starting heartworm prevention. They, too, need to be tested 6 months and 12 months later and annually after that.
- If there has been a lapse in prevention (one or more late or missed doses), dogs should be tested immediately, then tested again six months later and annually after that.
Annual testing is necessary, even when dogs are on heartworm prevention year-round, to ensure that the prevention program is working. Heartworm medications are highly effective, but dogs can still become infected. If you miss just one dose of a monthly medication—or give it late—it can leave your dog unprotected. Even if you give the medication as recommended, your dog may spit out or vomit a heartworm pill—or rub off a topical medication. Heartworm preventives are highly effective, but not 100 percent effective. If you don’t get your dog test, you won’t know your dog needs treatment.
Oh No… My Dog Tested Positive!
The question comes up many times about how to treat. As a rescue, we treat per the guidelines of the American Heartworm Society . Only one drug, melarsomine, has been approved by the FDA to treat heartworms in dogs. While there are risks involved, most adult heartworms are eliminated within 1 to 3 months. Cage rest, restricted exercise decreased the chances of complications from the treatment. Per the American Heartworm Society, ” Long-term, continuous use of heartworm preventives alone to treat heartworm infections, however, is not recommended as an alternative to melarsomine, because it is well documented that additional damage to the heart and lungs occurs the longer adult heartworms are present.”
Once again, it is your responsibility as a dog mom or dad to make sure your dog has preventive. You can purchase them in a single dose each month from the vets office, you can buy them in packs of three months, six months, or 12 months. You can get your vet to write a prescription and order from a website if you can find a better price. Regardless it is still less than $10 a month to prevent your dog from having a horrible disease and possibly suffering a painful death.
Need More Information, Check out the following:
Another dreary, rainy, cold Sunday morning and in less than an hour, in a few blocks the following pictures in this article were taken. Please take a few minutes to truly look into the eyes of these animals. You can actually see the sadness. Once again, dogs are social animals, that is why they are called ” pack animals”. They do not want to be left alone, isolated, outside on a chain.
From the Municipal Code library, Cleveland County NC, Code of Ordinances, Section 3-7 Cruelty to Animals
(h)It shall be unlawful for an owner or keeper of any animal to restrain an animal in an unsafe manner as outlined under G.S. § 14-362.3. In addition, a tether shall be at least ten (10) feet long with swivels on both ends, shall not exceed ten (10) percent of the animal’s body weight and shall be attached to a properly fitting harness or collar to prevent choking, strangulation, unjustifiable pain, suffering or risk of death. A tethered animal shall have access to suitable and sufficient clean water, food and appropriate shelter.
Above is Cleveland County’s current tether law. 1) while in these pictures above, the chains are probably 10 feet long, how many times are they not, and with the hundreds of animals chained, how often can the ACO’s really go out and check all of them? 2) not to exceed 10 percent of the animal’s body weight. I would bet in most cases, if you weighed the chains most of these dogs are hooked to, they would weigh much more than 10 percent. Do the math, a 40 pound dog, chain would be 4 lbs max. 3) properly fitting harness or collar. Many times dogs chained outside, people forget to check the collars and the collars become too tight, embedded over time, some are on choke collars, which can be very dangerous and cause strangulation. 4) access to food, water and shelter. While many times dogs do start out with access, if they are able to wrap the chain around anything, trees, poles, their houses, whatever, it can stop them from being able to get to any of the above. 5) swivels on both ends, I think that is self explanatory and can be seen in the photos and how many are actually chained as to whether there are swivels on both ends.
Here is a scary example. There is a chain around this dog’s neck used as her collar? Then the chain is hooked to a cable. Chains ARE NOT collars. The dog is also eating something off the ground instead of having bowls with food. This is also a female dog. Is she spayed? If not, when she comes into heat, she has no way to protect herself from male dogs.
- U.S. Department of Agriculture: “Our experience in enforcing the Animal Welfare Act has led us to conclude that continuous confinement of dogs by a tether is inhumane. A tether significantly restricts a dog’s movement. A tether can also become tangled around or hooked on the dog’s shelter structure or other objects, further restricting the dog’s movement and potentially causing injury.”
- According to the Association of Shelter Veterinarian’s Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters, “Tethering is an unacceptable method of confinement for any animal and has no place in humane sheltering. Constant tethering of dogs in lieu of a primary enclosure is not a humane practice.”
- The American Veterinary Medical Association stated “Never tether or chain your dog because this can contribute to aggressive behavior.”
- The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) concluded in a study that the dogs most likely to attack are male, unneutered, and chained.
Most chained dogs must eat, sleep and eliminate in a small area, are often basically ignored by their owners, fed and watered sporadically partially due to the fact water and food bowls get turned over, suffer from lack of exercise, grass becomes hard ground, collars can become too tight, embedded, can strangle, many times vetting is not received, dogs cannot escape the storms, cold, heat, and are isolated from their family.
Another worrisome issue if you look at these pictures, most of the dogs are located around trash, or things thrown out of the house. People dogs are not your trash. They are living, breathing animals who want to be part of your family. If you cannot take care of them and let them be a part of that family why get them? Please don’t say you want them to guard your house. They cannot guard your house on a chain. All they can do is bark and since they are unsocialized living on a chain, they are going to bark at friend and foe.
And why we need to hang locks on our dogs necks? I will never get it. North Carolina Counties who have banned tethering:
Asheville, North Carolina
Cary, North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Clayton, North Carolina
Cumberland County, North Carolina
Davidson, North Carolina
Durham County, North Carolina
Enfield, North Carolina
Forsyth County, North Carolina
Guilford County, North Carolina
Hertford, North Carolina
New Hanover County, North Carolina
Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina
Weldon, North Carolina
Woodland, North Carolina
Can Cleveland County be proactive instead of reactive? Can we put the welfare of the dogs first? How simple would it be to enforce if its not allowed? So much easier than how long chain is, how much it weighs, if it has swivels, etc..
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